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The skin - an incredible organ

Die Haut - ein unglaubliches Organ

The skin serves as a vital protective barrier against various external threats such as temperature, injury, infection and harmful pathogens. However, over time, skin changes due to metabolic fluctuations and prolonged exposure to environmental factors.

These changes are primarily genetic, but lifestyle, dietary habits and environmental influences also play a role. Regardless of the specific effects, having the right skincare routine as you age is crucial. In the following sections, we look at four age-related changes in skin and provide tips on how to give skin the care it needs now and in the future.

1. Increasingly drier skin

As we age, the production of sebum, the skin's natural oil, decreases. This can lead to drier skin and an increased susceptibility to sun damage. To effectively counteract this, the skin care industry's "regular moisturizer" is not enough. To support the skin, one should expose oneself to the sun in the morning and in the evening so that the skin can prepare itself for the rays. If you don't have access to direct sun, you can imitate it with an infrared lamp. The infrared rays stimulate blood circulation, but above all collagen production. This gives the skin a radiant appearance in just a few minutes.

2. Decreased collagen production

As we age, skin becomes thinner due to reduced collagen production, resulting in more fragile skin. Hormonal fluctuations can also impair the skin's ability to heal. To protect sensitive skin, it is advisable to avoid excessive and unprepared sun exposure and to use sunscreens with natural ingredients such as zinc. Radiance Light, which has an integrated red light and infrared light system, can be used all over the body to optimally protect the skin, minimize inflammation from sunburn and stimulate collagen production in the epidermis.

3. Slow recovery

The process of regeneration slows down with age, resulting in a dull and rough appearance. Also, skin heals more slowly after abrasions or breakouts. Adequate sleep, ideally seven to eight hours a night, is recommended to help skin regenerate. An infrared sauna blanket like Radiance Heat helps remove dead skin cells, unclog pores and increase blood flow.

4. Loss of elasticity

Loss of elasticity is a common problem with skin aging that results from the breakdown of elastin, the protein responsible for skin's firmness and flexibility. While the body stops producing elastin around puberty, it deteriorates over time due to genetic and environmental factors. Conditioning and protecting the skin from sun exposure and pollution are essential for the skin to adapt to these changes. The best way to prepare your skin is with red light therapy. You should also eat foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Mineral-based sunscreen is also recommended.

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